Friday, February 6, 2009

Storm vs. Bold vs. Curve 8900

The keyboard differences on the Curve and Bold are also noticeable, and puzzling. The Bold very much subscribes to RIM's 8800 design, with some spacing and font changes, while the Curve relies on the split key design used on previous models (hello 8300!) which we find is actually easier to type on. Regardless, our resident BlackBerry fanatic, Jacob, claims that Curve keyboards hurt to type on after prolonged use -- we have yet to experience this damaging side effect.

Ultimately, you're buying into incredibly similar products here, especially between the Curve and Bold -- that's more of a carrier decision than anything else. Even with the Storm, the general experience is roughly the same (if a little more frustrating), but it's surprising to see how far RIM has moved beyond the Bold's styling in such a short period of time. One thing is clear, however: whichever phone you choose, your email is going to be totally awesome.via Engaget

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